Monday, November 9, 2009
Canacona Deanery Youth Day for this year is celebrated at Agonda on 25th October,2009. Resource persons for the day were Fr. Leonardo Fernandes, sfx and Fr. Adrian Fernandes, sfx. Keeping in mind the Diocesan theme of the year “Shine like stars in the world” they shared the life of two shining stars ‘Mother Teresa and Jhon Paul II’. Youth of Agonda along with their Parish Priest and Assistant Parish Priest organized the Youth day with lots of games, action songs, group discussion etc. About 180 youth form the Deanery participated. Our Congratulation to the Youth of Agonda.
Sisters of Mary Immaculate- Agonda celebrated diamond Jubillee of their service in the
After the Mass young children along with Fr. Peter Cardozo entertained the guests, with singing of songs, manddo and dance. Provincial Superior Sr. Caroline along with Sr. Manjula cut the cake. Provincial Superiors and sisters of the the congration were overjoyed for organizing the programme in such a solemn manner. Earlier during the Mass Rs.26,000 were donated to the Congregation of Sisters of Mary Immaculate by the parishioners of Agonda towards the orphans children.
The Parish of Agonda celebrated
The unprecendented natural calamity, the first at least in the past century in various villages of the Canacona Taluka has rung a loud and clear “warning call” demanding that we respect the Earth’s Environment and Ecology and learn to live in harmony with nature.
While visiting the various villages we witnessed the devastation of the hard earned security of large section of the people, who are still numbered by nature’s fury unleashed in a few minutes.
The Senior citizens reported that never did they experience in their area the rise of water level to such heights. Water marks indicate the enormous height the flood reached in some areas and that even the connecting bridge at Bhatpal was inundated. The villages that have been badly affected are Bhatpal, Chiplem, Sadolxem, Loliem and Galgibaga.
The gushing waters deposited slimy mud in the houses. Many of the mud houses collapsed. People lost all their belongings: house ownerships documents, house-hold items, live stock, life saving medicines and all their savings in cash and valuable their future security wiped out! Since the wells were flooded drinking water sources are contaminated and the water pumps are dysfunctional. Even three days later, a bad odour emits from the houses rendering habitation difficult. People are displaced and most of them are staying at the houses of neighbours on a higher level or relatives.
Agriculture bore the brunt of Nature’s rage. The fertile cultivated lands being ona a lower level area were totally destroyed. Coconut and other plantations are completely damaged. The situation of the farmers is pitable.
Educational and Religious Institutions were affected too. Loss of infrastructure and official Documents within the Educational premises besides the educational equipments including booka of students were washed away.
Means of communication and connectivity of all types were disrupted i.e. roads, electricity, telephones, bridges were damaged and are now gradually limping to normalcy.
Ongoing work:
Traditionally, in emergencies people reach out to the afflicted very promptly. Immediate relief poured in from various individuals and organizations. The Government too did not lag behind in providing immediate relief of food and initial monetary aid. The Government through competent authorities is currently assessing the damage and destruction in order to compensate the affected families.
Under the leadership of the Parish Pastoral council and the Parish Social Apostolate Forum, the villagers of the