(‘Year of Faith’ initiatives at
St. Anne’s Church, Agonda, Goa)
The parishioners of St. Anne’s
Church, Agonda were in advance and well adequately conscientized about the Holy
Father’s initiative to celebrate the period from October 11th, 2012
to November 24th 2013 as a ‘Year of Faith’. The initiation was
further substantiated after every family was given a copy of the Archbishop’s
‘Pastoral Letter on The Year of Faith’. As we know, the solemn inauguration at
Rome took place on the 11th of October with the Holy Father
reminding us through the opening of his Apostolic Letter, “Porta Fidei’ - “the ‘door of
faith’ is always open to us … to enter through that door is to set out on a
journey that lasts a lifetime” (PF 1). Our journey unto this Year of Faith was
inagurated two days later, after we took a specific theme for our parish: ‘Amcho Bhavart, Amche Jivit! Bhavartachem
Voros Folladik Korunk Vavrum-ia!’ (Our Faith, Our Life! Let’s work to bear
much fruit in this Year of Faith!)
of the Year of Faith {For the entire Parish} (13th Oct., 2012)
the way a mother brings together her children and keeps them bonded, the parish
had almost the entire village being a part of the traditional procession on the
feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. The procession spanning through the village
was as usual an integral spiritual experience which every Christian and Hindu
longed to be a part of.
Francis Fernandes (Attorney of the Fabrica) struck an emotional cord expressing
the fact, “As such, in parishes in Goa, Good Friday with a single service in
the Church complex remains to be the gathering with maximum attendance. However
this procession witnesses every parishioner, in preparations and decorating the
procession path in the morning hours and then enthusiastically joining the 5
hour long evening ceremony. But much more significantly, people from other
religions, equally and at times much more, are a part of the event and share in
the fervor of the celebration. The procession through the village gives the
ceremony an identity of making it an event of the land and of the natives.”
This day thus seemed most apt to inaugurate the Year of Faith, explain the
importance and relevance of the initiative and present a conspectus of the
tentative programme chalked out to see its fruition.
Hindu folks gather aplenty, expressing their love and devotion to the Lady of the Rosary |
statue of Mary was mounted on a boat (depicting the logo of the Year of Faith)
which portrayed Mary as the mother who accompanies us through our life of
faith. Fr. Peter Cardozo led the choir through the twists and turns en route,
while the parish liturgy co-ordinators shared prayers and reflections. Earlier
during the Eucharist before the procession, Fr. Mathew Fernandes sfx (Parish Priest & Dean of the
Canacona Deanery) explained the Holy Father’s intention and vision for the Year
of Faith.
of the Year of Faith {For Parents, Elders, Catechists, Teachers, Spiritual and
Civil Leaders, etc} (14th Oct.)
banner (sized 8ft x 10ft) was unveiled by three senior Catechists, Caridade
Fernandes (also PPC Moderator), Peter Miranda and Gaby Fernandes. They
represented Parents, Elders, Catechists and Teachers. These three catechists
have rendered their services in teaching catechism for the past 25 years,
besides enthusiastically collaborating in every endeavor of the church.
for the Inauguration of the Banner amidst the cheers of the crowd gathered ... |
of the Year of Faith {For Children, Catechism Students and Spouses without
Children} (21st Oct.)
iconic ‘Val Afframent Cross’ standing brazen and bold towards one end on the
shores of Agonda is a reminder to the Christians here, of the faith of their
ancestors and the audacity of missionaries such as the late Fr. Jose Mariano
Clemento Bento Martins (founder of the Society of Pilar) who toiled tirelessly
fortifying the faith years before. A procession with all the children of the
parish began from this landmark and converged at the busy three road junction
at the market place. There a little 3 year old child named ‘Hannah’ unveiled
another huge banner (8ft x 9ft). The banner (as intended) draws the attention
of the on goers and tourists.
Veena Borges holding Hannah, her God-given gift after 12 long years of prayers ... |
whom we addressed as ‘Bhavartachem Foll’
(The Gift of Faith), inaugurating the banner, took hold of the rough pair of
strings in her tiny hands, not understanding much, but for sure her mother
carrying her knew how deep was the relevance. Hannah was born after 12 years to
Lucas and Veena Borges who shed much tears and offered prayers day and night
for the gift of a child. Hannah stands as a reminder to children, parents and
spouses that every child is a gift of faith which God entrusts to their
banner standing tall in that busy place where taxi drivers, vendors and
tourists make a stop, has now become a spiritually strategic point, attracting
the attention of every tourist and the locals to have a glimpse of the boat
(the logo of the Year of Faith), the foremost text from ‘Porta Fidei’ and the proper theme chosen by the parish.
of the Year of Faith {For Youth} (28st Oct.)
The Parish Youth led by Travis Fernandes ( The Youth President) |
(The Domestic Church)
Eucharist for Families (o4th Nov.)
special Eucharist was celebrated with members of each family seating together
as an expression of their bonding and oneness. The huge gathering at the
Eucharist was well instructed during the homily (by Fr. Adrian Fernandes) and through the liturgy about
the primary role of the family (the basic Church) towards making the most
significant contribution for the ‘Year of Faith’. At the end of the Eucharist,
the celebrants laid their hands on each family and prayed specially for each
one of them.
family is given a special ‘Year of Faith – Family Card’ which carries the logo
of the Year of Faith, a picture of St. Anne (Patroness of the Parish), a
Scripture quotation, a pertinent teaching of the Catholic Church about family
life – its sacredness and responsibility and it also contains a slot to enter
the names of the members of the family members. The families are recommended to
keep the Card at a prominent place at their homes so that in the course of the
year the entire family would know by-heart at least one scripture text and the
Catholic Teaching on Family.
the next day (5th Nov.) till the feast day of the Holy Family of
Jesus, Mary and Joseph (on 30th Dec.) every day is dedicated for 10
to 13 families, who take the front pews during the Eucharist which is specially
offered for them. Besides, on that day, they are encouraged to make a
confession before mass, inform if they need counseling or a visit to their
family. On that day, they are also requested to spend quality time together at
home, eating meals together, praying together and being together. Many families
have already expressed a deep sense of joy and gratitude and have had an
enriching faith-experience through this initiative.
The Priests lay their hands on the family members ... sending them forth with a mission to bear much fruit in the 'Year of Faith' |
Before I end, I quote a line,
whose source I can’t yet recall, “Faith is not really lived unless it is shared
…” This text inspired us to share some of our initiatives for the ‘Year of
Faith’. There are many more initiatives which will be attempted to make this
‘Year of Faith’ a period of grace to strengthen our faith in the Lord.
“The foundation of our Faith is
the encounter with the Christ-event or rather with the Person of Jesus Christ,
who gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction (cf. Deus caritas est 1). May we be enabled to encounter and experience
Jesus Christ the foundation of our faith!
The banner displayed on the busy junction in front of the Church compound ... |