Sunday, July 8, 2012

My dear parishioners,
My dear brothers and sisters who are far away from your beloved ones, village and parish of Agonda. Through thesesmile and flowers from our children I want to tell you that you are very special for us, you are missed and loved. I as a parish priest, wish you good luck, good health,, happiness and joy in all that you do. I assure you my prayerful support. May God bless you. 
Fr. Mathew Fernandes

My dear brothers and sisters who are far away from your beloved ones, village and parish of Agonda. Through thesesmile and flowers from our children I want to tell you that you are very special for us, you are missed and loved. I as a parish priest, wish you good luck, good health,, happiness and joy in all that you do. I assure you my prayerful support. May God bless you. 

These images are from Konkani musical operetta produced by Pilar Music Academy, Goa Province, Society of Pilar. Operetta written and directed by Fr.Mathew Fernandes sfx, music is composed and arranged by Fr. Peter Cardozo sfx. This operetta was staged in 38 places during the season of Lent 2012. 
Goans are in haste to make fast money. They have no time to stand, stare and relax. In the bargain, they tend to destroy the beautiful creation of God for their own selfish interests, craze for easy money has led  to degradation of values in the family. 'Rau ........... khoim Vetai? invites every Goan to create time to sit, reflect and relax. In all the hustles and bustles of life, one need to return to God who is the source of everything in life. Only then man will understand the true meaning of living in this materialistic world.
This operetta will be staged in again in different part of Goa during the season of Lent 2013.